
Tertullian’s Apology and de Spectaculis is unavailable, but you can change that!

Discover the history of Latin Christendom with two of the first Christian apologists in The Select Works of Tertullian and Minucius Felix. Examine original Latin text alongside its English translation as you study Latin Christendom, its core beliefs, ethics, and the cultural forces of the time. In both Apology and De Spectaculis, Tertullian discusses the life of the time and the influences on...

bestir their minds to reflect whether there may not be in it something good that escapes them. No! it is forbidden to guess more shrewdly; it does not please them to test it at closer quarters. Here, and here alone, human curiosity grows torpid. 9They love to be ignorant, though others rejoice to know. How much better the saying of Anacharsis about the ignorant judging the expert would have fitted them, than the unmusical who judge the musicians!a They prefer not to know because they already hate.
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